Meet Millbee's first ambassador - Dee Mulroe

My name is Dee. I'm from country Mayo. I am here to tell you about my Millbee journey and experience.

In 2019, I had a pretty bad mental breakdown. I spent a lot of my months, sitting outside on the patio in nature. Trying to recoup, regenerate, re-energise and trying to get things into perspective for myself.

For a lot of that time the only company I had was nature. I watched the birds come in and out into the feeders in early Spring and on into Summer. There was a hive of bees and wasps coming and going and I used to take such pleasure in watching them bounce from flower to flower. It made me really want to invest back into nature.

While I was going through that really difficult time, nature was there to pick me up, keep me company and it soothed me many days.

I decided to make new choices to rebuild my life. Change can't happen unless I make change happen. I decided that I needed to take care of myself, and in taking care of myself, my home was going to be an extension of that. Further out from that, my take on the environment.

So in the Autumn/Winter of 2019, I made my first purchase with Millbee in hopes to reduce single use plastics at home.

And I'd say after a couple of months, I wasn't picking up the cling wrap as much as I usually would be. I started with the lunch pack and getting the kids off to school with their lunches wrapped up in Millbee's Beeswax Wraps. It did wonders for me also because I felt like I was doing something good for them. Teaching them to take care of things and showing them that it's little steps we do that's going to make a difference.

I choose doing more for the environment as part of my self care regime.

I learned so much from it that I wanted to give back, and I wanted to protect what was there. As time has gone on I've expanded my Millbee collection to their candles which I find fantastic for a few quiet moments to myself. If I want any time to journal or time to relax before bed, the glow of Millbee's beeswax candle really does it for me! And I just love the way they're constructed and rolled. I really admire the workmanship that's gone into the candles!

I use all the wrap sizes - the bread wrap and the variety wrap sizes. I have a couple of the lunch wraps and they go on pretty much everything. My sourdough starter is now under one, and it's the happiest it's ever been!

So, that's why I choose Millbee as part of my journey going forward. I like the ethos. I like working with nature and bees.

I like reusable products you use in the home that are more eco-friendly. It leaves less of a footprint.

What I was doing in my home gave me a boost. I was implementing some good habits with my children. I was giving them some good knowledge on how to take care of things, themselves and the earth combined, and all of nature. I felt like I was given something back. So that's my journey with Millbee! That's why I've incorporated this so much into my life and I really don't see it ending there! Keep moving forward with it and coming up with new ideas for us. That's it guys! Thank you.

~ Dee Mulroe

You can follow Dee's Instagram page "Kitchen on the Mountain" for lots of delicious and nourishing home cooked recipes and self-care tips. Dee is also an advocate for mental health awareness. She is such an inspiration and we are so grateful to Dee for being our very first ambassador.

As a special introductory price, Millbee is offering 10% off our 4 Pack Multisize Wraps for new customers today!

Plus, if you aren't totally happy with your Millbee Beeswax Food Wraps, you can return them within 90 days for a full refund.

Beeswax Candles

7 Reasons you Should Switch to Beeswax Candles

Beeswax Candles are adored for their gorgeous natural look but there are numerous reasons why they are the preferred candle of choice, especially over Paraffin Candles. We've summarised the top 7 reasons for you!
July 28, 2020 — AdCeler8 Collaborator