One of the most consistent dilemmas faced at home is preserving food, especially freshly baked goods such as bread. We often go for large plastic lunch boxes that end of being too big and inconvenient, then resort to clingfilm or tinfoil.

Here at Millbee we want to encourage fresh and fabulously homemade food! Our Beeswax Bread Wraps provide the perfect solution for preserving your fresh bread, cakes, pies, lunches and fruit. We want to celebrate healthy living by encouraging sustainable wrapping and protection of your baked goods and fresh food.

Whether you make your own bread or buy it, our beeswax large bread wrap is ideal for storing and keeping your bread fresh. It's also great for covering large bowls of leftovers or meals prepared in advance.

Since it is Plastic Free July, we want to give you a little boost in your efforts to cut out single-use plastic.

At the check out enter our discount code 'PLASTICFREEJULY' for 15% off, across all of our products!

If you're feeling inspired to bake some bread, why not try our Founder Jennifer Doyle's Blackcurrant Jam to complement your baked goods?

"Blackcurrant Jam is my go-to option when I'm due to do a grocery shop and my fridge is fairly empty! No matter how bare my pantry is I'll always have the makings of soda bread and homemade jam every day of the week. Bread and Jam. Those two words alone and together say pure simplicity at its best! However, when you taste freshly baked soda bread with homemade blackcurrant jam you get real comfort food.

- Jennifer

Jennifer Doyle's Blackcurrant Jam recipe

400g black currant
150g granulated sugar
1. Remove woody strings.
2. Put blackcurrants into a preserving pan with 200ml water.
3. When blackcurrants burst stir in the sugar.
4. Boil for approximately 5 minutes stirring continually.
5. Test jam by putting a teaspoon on cold the cold plate from the freezer. If the jam crinkles when moved it's ready.
6. Pour into a sterilised jar.
Makes approx 1 X 340g jar
Note: To test jam put a saucer in the freezer to cool for about 10 mins prior to making.
July 18, 2019 — Catherine Brew Quinn

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